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Employee Retention
Tax Credits

Employee Retention Tax Credits


COVID-19 created substantial challenges for businesses. The government has created several support programs with the hope to provide relief. One of these programs is the Employee Retention Tax Credit. This stimulus program was designed to provide relief to employers who kept employees on payroll during specific qualifying periods during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

It is worth while to check with an expert to find out if your business qualifies. Our team has recovered hundreds of millions in relief for businesses and continues to provide technical support to clients and their accounting teams to recover funds while this legislation remains in force. Act Now! Once the funding is claimed our chance is GONE.

In order to provide economic relief to businesses and individuals during the Coronavirus pandemic, the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act was signed into law in March 2020.

This $370 billion stimulus package makes funding available to small companies, which can be used to allow certain employers who retain employees during the crisis, to claim a tax credit. This tax credit is known as the Employee Retention Credit (ERC).

There are many ways to qualify, but you won’t know whether or not you qualify until you try!

  • Our team will review the relevant financial records to calculate the dollar amount of the eligible employer’s expected credit.

  • We will then complete and file the relevant IRS forms for the employer and retain all necessary documentation.

Click HERE to get started. There is NO COST to determine if you qualify. 

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